Friday, October 4, 2024

Hope through Christ

Sometimes I have a hard time having underlying hope. Mentally and momentarily, yes, I can step into a hopeful space. But lately I've been really trying to pay attention to things that can teach me to hope more consistently.

When I read this scripture this morning, something occurred to me, a scripture that has echoes in other books of scripture:

"36 Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.

37 Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet."

(Doctrine and Covenants, section 6)

It stuck out to me that the Lord would put the idea of "hope" right next to references to His crucifixion. Then it occurred to me. Jesus Christ experienced the most brutal, painful unimaginable scenario ever: 

--betrayal of not only His nation but His friends;

-- taking upon Himself the redemptive task of not only experiencing all of our sufferings, but paying the price of every sin ever committed

-- hanging upon the cross in one of the most excruciating forms of execution...

... and then He rose again, with the releasing, redemption and succoring of billions. Shazaam!✨️💛

So when He tells me to trust Him, to hope, it's not from the inexperienced sideline of spectators. He's saying, "yeah, I know it's bad. But trust me, the end will be incredible. Just stay focused on Me. And keep hoping."

If anyone had reason to feel hopeless, it seems it would be Him, looking into that bleak future. But He wasn't. He demonstrated His awareness even on the cross, surrounded by hopelessness, that He could look forward to a bright end.

So I can trust Him. I love the hope that this perspective has renewed in my heart this morning. ♥️

What are things that bring you hope?

(This painting titled "Hope" by George Frederick Watts captures how fragile hope can feel.)