Monday, August 29, 2011

I am enough...

I have been struggling to get "ready" for this new year, feeling like, if I just "did a little more", I would be what I need to be. However, as I step back and look at it, my expectations of what I need to do to be "ready", is huge. For the past few weeks, I have silently despaired and outwardly stressed out in response.

I know that Heavenly Father wants me to be doing this right now, but I also know He doesn't want me to live my life in a constant state of panic, stress, or feelings of "not-enoughness"! So how can I do what I need to do, and still have peace? I need to trust, trust that what I have to offer is exactly what He needs and knew I was capable of.

Yesterday in Relief Society, I felt like the following closing statement from the recent LDS General Conference talk by D. Todd Christofferson was spoken directly to me, and it pierced me to the very core:

"May God sustain you in your striving to meet His high expectations and grant you a full measure of the happiness and peace that naturally follow."

If I can embrace with faith His chosen path for me, truly following His spiritual guidance, I can trust that it is enough. I am enough.

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