Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Liberty and God

I just read a book called "The Silence of God" about an LDS family in Russia during the transition time from the Romanov's to the communists/socialists. It has made me think a great deal about the noble ideals of communism/socialism, and why it doesn't seem to work. One concept in the book really struck me: government and men do not have power to change men's hearts, only God does, and that kind of society can only work with people with changed hearts.

There are so many similarities between communism and the law of consecration, but with some fundamental differences.

I found a scripture that helped me remember what the essential one is: 2 Corinthians 3:17: "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

In every socialistic society I have studied/heard about, there is an attempt to banish all traces of God from society. Why is that?

p.s. I realize I have used the terms "socialism" and "communism" seemingly interchangeably, but I recently learned that socialism is a political vehicle for communism, which is a economic ideal, so felt my use of them in this post probably worked all right :).

p.p.s. I also recently learned that "alright" is not actually a word, according to "Painless Grammar" author Rebecca Elliot...go figure! "Afterwards" is also not a word. Hmmm....

p.p.p.s. I also learned how to spell "grammar" with an "a" instead of "grammer" with an "e". Mary really is growing up! Maybe someday she will know what a "cavity" is, as well as not to get into cars with little old men strangers on 2nd North in downtown Salt Lake City? Stories for another day...

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