Friday, April 19, 2013

His Tender Soul

I came across this touching phrase while reading yesterday:
"What God requires is the devotion portrayed by Jesus, who was asked to drink a cup so bitter that it amazed even Him." (D. Todd Christofferson, Ensign 2013, pg 41)
 As I thought about this and discussed it with my parents, they had some neat insights.  My mom remembered reading that Jesus Christ felt guilt and remorse for the first time during the Atonement, so that He could suffer all things, ...and how that must have hurt His tender soul.

My dad pointed out that guilt is a real pain, a pain to the soul.  And much like physical pain to the body is a warning to stop doing what we are doing, guilt, too, is a warning to our souls--a warning to stop doing what we are doing.

It truly makes one think, and increases my appreciation for my Elder Brother and all that He has done for me so that He knows just how to succor me in all my pains and all my sorrows.

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