The parallel formation of these two verses stood out to me, bringing to focus what was different. In the first one, you become like a little child and then be baptized. In the second verse you are baptized and then become like a little child.
I asked my family why they thought both of these verses would be included. Quinn pointed out that it is important to become as a little child so that we are humble enough to be baptized but after we are baptized it is just as important to maintain that child-like demeanor.
This morning I woke up and pondered on what it means to be child-like. A good friend of mine posted on Instagram recently about watching her kiddos at the park and learning from them. I thought about things my own kids have shown me recently and a couple things stood out:
-Spooner (7) is always saying, "Today is the best day ever!!!" True, he occasionally also has "the worst day ever" but rarely. He approaches each new day full of hope and anticipation. During my prayer this morning, a little of that attitude crept in my heart and it was a good feeling :).
-Whenever someone is hurt or suffering, both Eli (5) and Liesl (2) will soften up their whole demeanor and gently approach the person, pudgy little hands outstretch to offer a hug, gentle stroke or comforting hand accompanied with soft words. At that moment, the only thing that matters is the suffering person or creature and my little ones are full of love and compassion.
-Snuggling is not only sufficient but essential. It's okay to stop everything for a good snuggle. It goes a long way.
-There is power in gazing into someone's eyes and just letting love and sincerity flow. As adults, we hide too much of ourselves. Maybe we are afraid of being vulnerable. There is beauty in the bravery of allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.
-They trust me implicitly. Which reminds me of a favorite video at our house:
"They trust me so completely. How I long to do the same."
Fresh starts. Hope. Pure love. Child-like.
I am so grateful for the little examples that surround me and remind me of the beauty of becoming child-like.