Saturday, May 15, 2021

"You Go First"

 We watched this interesting episode of CNN-10 yesterday, a moderately biased broadcast.  

I particularly appreciated the part that covered the current escalating crisis in Israel.  One point that was brought up a few times--both in our broadcast and in our discussion afterward--was that both sides were waiting for the other side to back down first.

As we could witness the tragedy that follows after such mentality, it was easy to see where thinking like that gets us. 

And to feel self-righteous in knowing we would never do that.

Or would we.

Just last night I was reflecting on a situation within my own experience where I deliberately made the choice to "wait for someone else" to take the first step in making our relationship better.  The Holy Ghost gently reminded me of conflict-torn Israel and made the connection to my own situation.  How often do we wait for the other person in our lives to "say sorry," get things rolling, clean-up first, etc?

It was a reflective moment that empowered me and gave me peaceful resolution to take more ownership in these types of situations. I just thought I would share it just in case it helps empower someone they can learn from my mistakes :D.