Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just My Nature!

This is a fun book by Carol Tuttle, by far and away the best "personality" type book, more because it tends to deal with a more whole picture of seemingly contrasting personalities, not only describing strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies, but also how all of them are needed and valuable, not just tolerated or anything to be ashamed of. (I know that last sentence was ridiculous, but I am too tired to go back and change it :). Sorry, Quinn!)

Rather than try and tell us how we are so different, the author seems to seek us all help see the uniqueness in each other and appreciate it.

Of course, there is the money-making aspect of the whole book that makes it feel like a testimonial about Amway, but I liked the rest of it :).

1 comment:

  1. lol I loved the book! It gives me new perspective on myself, that's for sure!
