Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Solitude and flowers

Have you ever had a time when you just wanted to be a hermit? I have been struggling with that lately! All I want to do is stay in my own, safe little world and not go anywhere, call anyone, plan anything with anyone else outside of my own little group of bodies...

Perhaps it is "nesting" with this pregnancy; perhaps it is seasonal--combining with my urge to spend hours and hours delving into the dirt in my yard--; or perhaps it is sheer laziness....who knows.

It takes so much gumption, sometimes, to go out an face others, even those we love. (yes, I am an introvert on any personality test I have taken!)

Perhaps it is just time to "seize the season", finish my commitments, and "withdraw myself from the world" for a while. :)


Today I purchased flowers, annuals even. This is a first for me for many years (my last attempt to grow annuals was about 12 years ago, and a pathetic return I got for it!) I have no sense of style, organization, nor taste when it comes to selecting flowers. Unfortunately, the purple blends of petunias attracted my eye just as much as the pot of carnival-colored snap dragons (reminiscent of my dear S. Teuscher teaching my kids to "make faces" with them). We won't even go into the dahlias that my neighbor grows so well that I just had to get some, as well as the geraniums that my five year old boy fell in love with. Like I said...I don't think they will "blend" well.

However, there is good news! I have an army of flower pickers that will probably keep up with my blooms as fast as they can unfurl their little faces to the world! I probably won't have to worry about clashing colors nor styles in my yard as long as I have their help! My dear three year old daughter comes into the house so proud of herself as she methodically picks each new bulb that comes up...especially the "one of a kind" ones. *sigh* At least they last for sometime in the house, and the precious look of delight on her face with each new bloom will change as she grows older, so I guess I will settle with my indoor arrangements and the radiance of my three-year-old daughter's face :).

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