"We cannot afford to...spend our lives in cyberspace (ironically being of the world while not being in the world)"
It made me think of the movie "Surrogate" (I think it was called, with Bruce Willis) and the talk "Things as they really are" by Elder Bednar.
It reminded me of the talk by Elder Scott at the last conference:
You live in a world where technological advances occur at an astounding pace. It is difficult for many of my generation to keep up with the possibilities. Depending on how technology is used, these advances can be a blessing or a deterrent. Technology, when understood and used for righteous purposes, need not be a threat but rather an enhancement to spiritual communication. (Mary: "Case in point: music by Josh Groban :)?")For example, many of us have a personal electronic device that fits into our pocket. We are seldom without its company; we may refer to it many times a day.,,But, used with discipline, this technology can be a tool of protection from the worst of society.Who could have imagined not very many years ago that the full standard works and years of general conference messages would fit into your pocket? Just having them in your pocket will not protect you, but studying, pondering, and listening to them during quiet moments of each day will enhance communication through the Spirit.Be wise in how you embrace technology. Mark important scriptures on your device and refer back to them frequently. If you young people would review a verse of scripture as often as some of you send text messages, you could soon have hundreds of passages of scripture memorized. Those passages would prove to be a powerful source of inspiration and guidance by the Holy Ghost in times of need.
However, I was touched by the original quote, too, as I considered in my own life...do I allow my time on the computer to negatively escape from the world around me in such a way that my relationships in the world are suffering? How do I treat those around me as I watch clips sent from friends and family or try to "catch up on emails"? It's funny how Elder Christofferson put it...how using technology incorrectly can actually form a situation opposite to the mandate of Christ, to be in the world but not of the world.
Hmmmmm....makes me think! Love it!