Sunday, May 4, 2014

"Puzzling" lessons with Hava

As I sit here in the peaceful morning hours, putting together a puzzle with Hava, I was struck by some truths.

She couldn't see the big picture so she kept trying to fit pieces together.  If they were a true fit, then that was exciting!  However, when she kept trying to do it and couldn't find a match, she got discouraged and would give up.  How often in our own lives do we give up on our "big picture" of our lives because we can't seem to find the right pieces to go together?  Do we trust that the big picture is there and God is the author of it?

As we sat there, I also realized that, if she was going to have the enthusiasm and ability to finish this puzzle, at her age, I would have to do a lot of it, and then she would be able to start filling the remaining pieces in better on her own. Similarly, in our youth and infancy, often God helps put a lot of framework pieces in so we can see how we fit in.  However, as our maturity increases, often He lets us do more and more of the different puzzles, according to our readiness and maturity...and enthusiasm :).

He is the perfect "puzzle-put-together" partner!

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