Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Blessings can be found anywhere, like manna on the ground, if you look for them :)..even in transition or doing something I don't do often enough--exercising...

Blessings of going running (or lumbering...I like to call it "running") this morning:
1)I discovered I have my own personal, lit running track not 10 yards from my house :)- I mentioned before I live on a circle now, and all the houses (except ours) either have their front lights on all night or an even higher powered motion-detector light, not to mention the street lamp on the corner of the circle.
2)  Because I don't know how far around it is (and it stresses my orderly brain out not to know that), I will have the chance to have a measuring geometric lesson with my kids later this afternoon so I can at least know approximately how far around it is.
3) I got to ponder on whether or not I am in the prime of my life:
--records for (anything having to do with) climbing Mount Everest have been set by people in their late forties, early fifties
--iron man record: for 2011, set by a man two years older than I am
I must be!
4) It gave me time to think of my blessings: amazing children and husband, time to spend with my family here, the fact that our cars are running, chances to finally be a visiting teacher here and help these woman know that God loves them...

The whole experience helped me realize, as I posted from a quote earlier, the true job of every mother (and person!!) is to find joy and share it with their family and those around them.

It made me think of the whole "pay it forward"/karma concept (couldn't watch the movie).

And it made me realize that our blessings are truly all around us, like manna from heaven if we take the time to look for it.

(Read "The Hiding Place" for incredible examples of this...)

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