Friday, March 16, 2012

What I see in the Mirror

I seldom look at myself in the mirror.

Sure, first thing in the morning, I'll take a quick look to set the hair briefly, but really, other than that, I spend little to no time looking at myself.

When I do, I go from place to place, looking for blemishes, flaws, and basically try to make sure it is as good as it is going to get for the moment :).

This morning, in my prayer, I was struck by a thought:  What if I tried to see in myself what Heavenly Father sees in me every time I looked at myself?

I took a moment and did just that, and felt a very different feeling from my usual analytical, and sometimes harsh experience.  I think I have come to a point where I just accept that what is in the mirror is not where I want to be in regards to physical beauty, so it is a "good enough" attitude.

This morning, I discovered that that is not what my Heavenly Father sees when He looks at me.

How powerful would that be if all of us tried to literally look at ourselves through Heaven's eyes...not just in potential, but in where we are at right now!

(I'll admit, it has made me want to do it again :)...soon I'll be as bad as Quinn :)...)

I just felt love, pure love. I couldn't focus on the individual blemishes I revisit in my usual perusal of my face.  It was just me.  And I felt love.

1 comment:

  1. How did you know Elder Anderson was going to talk about "What does Christ think of me"? You are so inspired. :)
