Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Few Degrees

Image result for image of winter dayI look outside
and see a few degrees
transform a world
soft to hard
rain to snow
cool to frigid.

I look inside
and see a few degrees
transform a heart
soft to hard
tears to ice
sorrow to hate.

A few degrees change...
more deadly
without or within?


  1. Love this. Did you write it? Another Ensign submission.

    1. Thanks, yes. I think God was trying to tell me something and it is always more powerful for me when in the form of imagery and symbolism. (Like Plato's forms, right?) Symbolism, geometry, without the imperfection of reality, there is so much more scope for the imagination in interpretation and application. (Sorry, feeling a bit philosophical this morning.)

      It was one of those last minute "What am I going to write for Authors in the Attic" moments of desperation. Desperation breeds inspiration, right? :) It really made me think about the visual that can occur within us with small changes away from The Source of eternal light and warmth. And made me ponder what condition my soul is in...

  2. Truly beautiful insights! Love ❤️ you!
