Monday, June 4, 2012

Patterns- Koelliker's General Conference talk 2012

In my youth group (forgive me the term of possession :)...), I love to point out how important it is to find patterns in the world around us, in the books we read, in the lives we study, as patterns reveal true principles.  For instance, people may say something or "talk up" some new fad or idea, but until there is a pattern that proves the validity of it, you must be careful.

For instance, one "pattern" I have found that is true in my life is that when I feel a certain way, which I have come to recognize as being under the direction of the Holy Ghost, if I move my feet in the figurative or literally direction it tells me to go--however blind--therein lies happiness and peace, even after some struggles.  I cannot know the other paths or how I would have felt if I had taken those instead, but, like in Robert Frost's poem, I have taken the one "less traveled by" many-a-time, and "that has made all the difference."

Koelliker said something about patterns that I loved, along with the great scripture after it:
"Patterns are templates, guides, repeating steps, or paths one follows to stay aligned with God’s purpose. If followed, they will keep us humble, awake, and able to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit from those voices that distract us and lead us away. The Lord then instructs us, 'He that trembleth under my power shall be made strong, and shall bring forth fruits of praise and wisdom, according to the revelations and truths which I have given you' (D&C 52:17)." (Ensign, May 2012)

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