Monday, June 4, 2012

Sustaining our leaders

You know, it's funny how we can get so confident in where we are at or casual in our willingness to receive divine inspiration.  Just this morning, as I was flipping through the Ensign, I saw that the first article, from the First Presidency, was about sustaining our leaders who are called of God.  "I do that..." and was just going to flip past.  Then, something whispered..."but what if there is something I miss that Heavenly Father wants me to know?"

So I read it, and was blessed and humbled.

My level of "sustaining," the spirit whispered, is below where it should be...and it should be better so I can be blessed.  The story President Eyring told was touching, humbling, and the following quote really struck me:

"We can determine to pray daily for someone called by God to serve us. We can thank someone who has blessed us by his or her service. We can decide to step forward when someone we have sustained asks for volunteers.
"Those who uphold the Lord’s servants in His kingdom will be sustained by His matchless power. We all need that blessing." (Ensign, June 2012, pg 3?)

I know I could use "being sustained by His matchless power," and I know that the Lord always makes good on his promises. :)  Time to reflect on those that serve me in callings and how I can better sustain them.  Maybe I should even reflect upon what it means to be a citizen of the United States and support and uphold the government we elect?

It is oddly liberating to be shown a path of truth and choose to just follow it, rather than question or equivocate about "how well I am doing already."  I should probably do it more often. :)

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