Thursday, July 12, 2012

Questionable motivations for peace vs. action...

I love this time of year,..a time to reflect upon the heritage of both my pioneer ancestors who migrated to Utah to escape religious and physical persecution and upon the Founding Fathers and the birth of freedom in America.  (In fact, off topic, there is a great little book I am reading right now that I highly recommend: "American History Stories You Never Read in School but Should Have.")

I love the Declaration of Independence.  It is such an incredible document.  One particular part, though, tends to haunt me: 
"accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to
suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves"
I see this and all my experience "hath shewn" the same...we tend to suffer, "while evils (or problems) are sufferable," rather than try to do something about them.  Sometimes, we genuinely shouldn't do something, if our intended plan of action would just make it worse :).  Sometimes, we just need to wait it out.

However, there are times when we need to act...when is that time? When is it time "to right ourselves"?

I have something of a "rainbow" personality, when it comes to the "Color Code" personality analysis, and tend to take on the "polar opposite" personality of those I am with, depending upon the situation.  For instance, although yellow is my least present color, I can, when I am with "blues," get very "yellow," and want to not worry so much about things :). (Just ask my father-in-law...when I am with him, I am the whitest of whites :)...I think it drives him nuts! Sorry, dad :)!)

I am married to a white, have parents that are white, and feel that much of the society I interact with, when it comes to defending what is right or our personal freedoms, is "white."  From "":
 White: These are the peacekeepers. Peace: the ability to stay calm and balanced even in the midst of conflict, is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of clarity and tolerance and are generally kind, adaptable, and good-listeners.

While I love all the benefits of these personalities, when I am with them I tend to gravitate to the "red" side...let's get things done!
Red: These are the power wielders. Power: the ability to move from point A to point B and get things done, is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of vision and leadership and generally are responsible, decisive, proactive and assertive. 
My interactions with them have led me to ponder these questions: At what point is it important to "suffer while something is sufferable," and when is it important to resolve something that is obviously not resolving on it's own?  I have to really be mindful of this while working with all these wonderful people that I love..and society.  When is what I want to do "what is right" and when is it just my "bi-polar personality disorder" kicking in, protesting the "white" all around me :)?

(There is an excellent quick overview presentation you can skim through that covers the essentials of the color code at:!)

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