Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Giving up control...

...of things already outside my control!

--two year olds :)
--other people's schedules

Time to stop pretending to be "Manager of the Universe"!

Thanks, Leslie, for your awesome post: "Stop the World--I want to get off!"

"As James Allen describes in “As a Man Thinketh”, when a man completely and genuinely alters his thoughts about his [problem], and discovers the true perspective that God intends for him to adopt, it will “become so out of harmony with his mentality that it falls out of his life as a garment is cast aside, and, with the growth of opportunities, which fit the scope of his expanding powers, he passes out of it forever.”

I like the way Wallace D. Wattles put it: “You can advance only by more than filling your present place.”

Don’t wait until you have the time to start something new and grandiose. Be grandiose where you are. In other words, be a spectacular you, right where you are, in just the very thing you are already doing.

If you want to have a better job, be bigger than the job you already have. Do it better than you ever have before… enjoy the feeling that comes from doing well, and before long, it will not be able to contain you any longer. Old circumstances will fall away and new ones will present themselves which will give you more opportunity for growth.

Do I mean, be a superperson and get 10 times as much done as the next person? NO. I simply mean, be present. If you are completing a task, allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying the task. Do it carefully and well, but most importantly, choose to enjoy it.

If you’re busy getting a lot of things done, and simply cannot slow down, you CAN do the same things you are already doing with a calm spirit. Much of the time we get all worked up and frantic about our deadlines and pressures, but we have to remember that the things that we do and the things that are happening around us are nothing more than events. We’re the ones that add the ‘stress element’ to the equation. In fact, if we can go about our day calmly, we will accomplish more than if we try to force things to happen faster. Force negates. What you push will push back. That’s one of those laws.

So much of what needs to happen is out of your control, so quit trying to control it! It’s not your job. Your job is to do the things that YOU can do, and trust God to handle the rest. If you are calm, He will. If you are frantic, He seems to step back and let you try to handle it on your own, so that maybe you’ll learn a lesson. At least that’s my interpretation of how He seems to have handled me. I finally had to ask, ‘How many times must I experience that feeling of abandonment before I learn that I CAN’T do it on my own anyway??’

I’m learning to calm down, and trust. Let’s resign as Manager of the Universe. Let’s have faith that by keeping a calm spirit, we will be in the right ‘vibration’ to allow the blessings to flow our way. Keeping a frantic spirit prevents the blessings from flowing. We cut ourself off from the Source of all good when we demonstrate our doubt through our stress. A faithful heart has no place for stress and worry."

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