Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lessons From A Lame Jogging Day

As I was running the other day...

As I was jogging the other day...
Okay, honesty.

As I labored along at a little more than a fast walk, I determined to keep going.  The previous week I had kept up jogging-like pace for most of a 5 K route.  However, on this particular day I was struggling to even finish a 2 mile route. But hey!!! I was there doing it, right?!
As I lumbered along, I pondered: Why is it so hard some days and so much easier others?

Isn't this so true with life?

Some days, I fly through: lots of energy, enthusiasm and joy!
Some days...I struggle just to plod.

I think the trick is to just keep exercising, whether it is easy or hard and just be happy that I am there.  I think the trick is to just keep being a mom, being a wife, being a friend, being a teacher whether it is easy or hard and just be happy that I am there.

Not all days are the same and that's okay.

I'm there. I'm doing it. I'm okay.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. You are okay! And so are the rest of us if we just keep trying.
