Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Likening Lehi's Dream

"And all these things did my father see, and hear, and speak as he dwelt in a tent..." 1 Nephi 9:1

...while he dwelt in a tent...

Lehi had just received one of the most comprehensive yet visual summations of the plan of salvation ever...and he did it while in the wilderness.  In a tent.

It hit me this morning that somehow we feel that our lives need to be a certain way in order to receive great things from God.  What is it exactly we are looking for?  What are those great things we are seeking?  Is not the things of God, His vision of us on this life, where our families are at (Laman and Lemuel not partaking, Nephi and Sariah and Sam partaking...), what can keep us going?

And how do we get it?  Apparently, it doesn't matter what kind of house we live in :).

The chapters before the vision of the tree of life are filled with some simple steps:
-gratitude (1 Nephi 5:9)
-studying the scriptures (1 Nephi 5:10-13)
-family history (1 Nephi 5:14)
-obedience (all over in those first few chapters of Nephi!)

We can all do these simple things.  And can we not all receive visions of God's plan and where our family is right now as part of that plan?

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