Sunday, January 8, 2012

Drew and the peppah!

GOOBER ATE AN ENTIRE HABANERO PEPPER LAST FRIDAY!!!!!!!! It is 40 times hotter than the jalapeno and one of the group that is the third hottest peppers in the world. ( So. A little background. His Knights of Freedom group had someone bring a presentation on various spicy peppers and the Scoville scale. Goober ate a Thai pepper then, and loved it! He asked for a ghost chili for Christmas and got some hot sauce, but we were still on the prowl for one. We saw that Macey's had some Habaneros, and, on the Macey's chart, it showed that it was a spicy pepper. We looked over all the peppers, unable to find anything that was identified as a Habanero. The only unidentified one was a sweet looking little orange one. "That couldn't be it," I reasoned, "It's too cute!" (This coming from the woman who thought it was alright to hitch a ride with a stranger in a car on 2nd South downtown SLC by the homeless shelter when she was 17 and who, until well into adulthood, didn't realize a "cavity" was a "cavity" because it was very literally a hole in her tooth. We won't even go into her misconception about "wind chill" vs. "wind shield" factor...)
Well, that cute little thing was the habanero. We bought it, took it home, and (taking into consideration everyone's advice) had on hand a spoonful of sugar, some crackers, some bread and some milk. We got out the video camera, and Goober posed...and then ate it. I recommended one little nibble, but, no. He wouldn't have that. "If I am going to do it, I'm going to do it big!" He chomped the whole thing! I will post the video later after we have editted it for too much personal info (internet security--necessary evil!..blegh).  It was crazy hilarious. Quinn is not sure we won't be turned into DCFS for Child abuse if we post it. The poor dear guzzled milk, inhaled sugar, chomped through bananas, crackers, and bread mindlessly trying to calm the fire in his head :). It seemed like a long time before he was "normal" again. He said he would never do it again, but we will see—after the initial shock is forgotten, and the thrill is remembered :).

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