Sunday, January 8, 2012

Update Jan 8

Goober and Chgger-dude are playing a Star Wars board game. They are having a great time and have already been playing it for over an hour! They paused graciously long enough to help with the next stage of Hava-lava's potty training---pooping in the potty! Goober read to Hava-lava, while Chugger-dude gallantly defended their board game from the encroaching monster baby...Papaya. What awesome kids.
Blossom is still sick. She has been sick since last Tuesday, poor dear, and has been so sweet throughout. She will ask for what she needs, but hasn't been demanding. When she asked someone to do something for her one time, they seemed a little put-out that she would ask. I thought about it and pointed out to that person, "She only asks because she is perfectly aware that she would want someone who is sick to ask her if they needed something... and she would be happy to do it for them :). Blossom is pure nurturer, through and through.
She reminds me a lot of myself when I am sick. Every once in a while (it seems to me...maybe it is demanding to those around me :)...), there is something that will increase my comfort, so I will ask whoever is near for it. Quinn, on the other hand, will silently suffer and endure, not troubling anyone. When we were first married, I didn't understand. Then, I was sitting in a RS meeting at BYU when a sister (Tina!) said, "I used to get frustrated when my husband wouldn't wait on me when I was sick, and that he didn't seem to want me to help him when he was sick. Then one day he patiently pointed out that when he was sick, he just wanted to be left alone, and figured she was the same way." Cool! Assumptions can be a dreadful interference to healthy relationships :). She said, "You tend to treat sick people the way you want to be treated."  Wise...
     Papaya just found someone's secret stash of popcorn behind the computer and is making sure the printer is working by pushing the test button repeatedly. Awesome. "Busy, busy, busy!" and "Ah-oh!" are my two most frequent saying with her lately. She is squishy, and snuggly (right when she wakes up or is very tired), but, other than that, doesn't stop climbing, exploring, testing, and do-ing! She can blow kisses now too, just in case I forgot to mention that before. She also loves to help us clean up messes (and then make them and clean them up again), eat crackers, go outside (although she is afraid of the snow), and loves, loves, loves other babies. Maybe it's time to have another one :)...She also loves dancing to music, running to Lekfor sympathy and love when things go wrong, and even prefers her father over food! Wow. True love. (I have used that strategy to get her down from the table many times.)
      Yesterday, it snowed! Woohoo! Quinn asked Grandpa who in the ward could use their driveways shoveled and he, Hava-lava, Pipalicious, and Blossom headed out to do some good works! The girls had a great time with their daddy.. It snowed even more at our old house than where we are at right now—unlike all the other snow storms we remember—which Avot was disappointed with. She did erect a quick snowman at our old house when we were there to clean-up last week. (The snow queen, for sure!) The house is almost done!! (I keep saying that, but it is even more "almost" done now :).)
Yesterday was also the annual Primary breakfast! As they got ready to leave, Quinn announced that he was walking and Grandma was driving: "Who wants to go with who?" Everyone shouted, "I want to walk!" Then, Pipalicious got her sweet little "thinking Pipalicious" look on her face and said, "I will ride with Grandma so she doesn't have to go by herself." This is so like our little Pipalicious! (Although, I can't call her so much that any more...she has grown a couple inches since we moved here :).)
When they got there, Quinn and Lek went to clean up the church, while the other kiddies went to enjoy some victuals. "Dad actually went to eat with the kids", Lek said. "I was helping them eat," Dad replied. Funny. Lek was promised some food, but got there just in time to see a lady serve herself up the last of the sausage, bacon, and eggs...oh! Painful! He was able to enjoy some waffles, though.

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