Friday, May 3, 2013

Obedience enough to be a Drinker of the Wind

Once again, devotional led to some meaningful thoughts for me.  The following video is about the obedience required by Arabian horses to become "Drinkers of the Wind."

It really made me think about obedience. "Few thirst enough for obedience to be drinkers of the wind," the narrator in the video says.  At first I thought, I am obedient, right?


The following morning I was getting after one of my children.  I have a few children who generally do what I ask right when I ask it.  They remind me of the African congregation who, when asked to move to the front of the room to make more seats in the back, as one stood up and moved forward, regardless of how close they already were.

Then, I have other children who are more like we Americans.  I imagine church-goers are familiar with the scenario: "Everyone, please move forward to make more room/so we can hear better/etc..." and then everyone looks around, making those decisions if it applies to them, are they already close enough, is anyone else doing it, etc. and then may grudgingly or belatedly make a slight move.

As I was talking to this child, I tried to explain how when they put off what I am asking them to do, making those same judgment calls, it is not done in the spirit of obedience.  Then came the fatal little voice saying, "And, Mary, how are you doing on those visiting teaching notes I prompted you to send two weeks ago?"


Well, I had bought the cards, but, somehow, they were still where I left them after unpacking from my trip...unwritten on, unsent.

Do I really want to be a drinker of the wind?  Do I really want what my Father has?  Do I really trust Him enough to have a truly obedient heart?

The lesson was wrapped up well in my heart as I listened to a talk by Richard G. Scott, in which he says:
Be certain that every decision you make, whether temporal or spiritual, is conditioned on what the Savior would have you do.
 Every blessing is predicated upon obedience to some principle.  The blessing of seeking obedience "in every decision we make, whether temporal or spiritual"?
When He is the center of your home, there is peace and serenity. There is a spirit of assurance that pervades the home, and it is felt by all who dwell there.
 Now that's the kind of wind I want to drink of :)...the wind of peace and serenity.

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