Thursday, May 23, 2013

Power in covenants

I was reading this morning in the Doctrine and C 46ovenants, section 130 about how every blessing we get is predicated upon obedience to some law.

Well, I have been blessed my whole life, in times when I have seemed to be doing alright and times when I haven't been so nice.  Heavenly Father must be pretty broad-minded...or understand that sometimes my limited demonstrations of obedience are all I can give.

My son, Drew, then pointed out from his scripture reading the following verses in Alma 46:
20 Behold, whosoever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and aenter into a covenant that they will bmaintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them.
 21 And it came to pass that when Moroni had proclaimed these words, behold, the people came running atogether with their armor girded about their loins, brending their garments in token, or as a ccovenant, that they would not forsake the Lord their God; or, in other words, if they should transgress the commandments of God, or fall into transgression, and be dashamed to take upon them the name of Christ, the Lord should rend them even as they had rent their garments.
We talked about how they came forward "in the strength of the Lord," making covenants.  We thought: how powerful to have a group of people come together in a common cause, each bearing the strength of the Lord.  The Lord's power is limitless!

They came forward running, donning their physical and spiritual armor.  May we each do so and then reap the blessings that come from entering into covenants that give us "the strength of the Lord."

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