Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Why do I do it...

Our kitchen is clean.

I am exhausted.

My three oldest children on earth finish up their preparations for classes in two days before stumbling to bed: thoughts of Euclid, Hebrew, and longitude computing devices all swimming through their heads.

I answered in my soul the following phrase several times last night as we all wearily, yet determinedly finished up our day.

Would you fight to the death, for that which you love...
In a cause surely hopeless, for that which you love?--Dragon Doom, by McKiernan
As a mother, I want my children to feel well-rested, at ease, and balanced.  As a patriot, as a mentor, and as a student, I realize that it is in the times where we push and stretch that we realize and fulfill our capacity to greater degrees.

Did the Founding fathers and mothers stop pursuing the cause of liberty because they were tired?  Look at James Madison, often referred to as the father of the Constitution.  Working wearily, night after night, exhausted and determined, he brought together some of the greatest ideas of all time, under the inspiration of a constant Father in Heaven.  It was worth it then, and it is worth it now.

I am grateful for our quiet times, our Sabbath days, our sports activities and our Family Home Evening.  I enjoy the quiet snuggle times when Quinn is reading to the family at night from our scriptures or current classic.  

I am grateful that there are ebbs and flows in a week: times to strive and times to renew.  I am grateful for friends and family who do work with me to make the times of striving more when Quinn and I played a game while doing the dishes last night.

In my heart, I know that my cause, the cause that I feel God has for me, could not be hopeless, but sometimes my eye of faith is not clear.   Yet, in spite of that, I know I would-- I would fight for that cause for that which I love, even though it seems cause of an eternal family, my cause of liberty, my cause of helping people discover and rejoice in their unique lives and missions.  Because it is right.  And because, in the process, I am discovering amazing things about myself, others, and the world around us.

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