Monday, September 1, 2014

30 Day Humility Challenge!

I doing a Humility challenge! Our scholar youth group is focusing on Humility this month and my personal project is an in depth study and application of the concept of humility for the month.

Every day, I start off the day asking God what He wants me to do. I write it down. Then I try to do it.

For my scripture reading, I go to the topical guide of the scriptures and read at least one verse from the section on "humility." (Sometimes 1 verse is all I do, but it gives me heavenly food for thought .)

And then, at the end of the day--no matter what!--I write down at least two things about my day in the journal by my bedside, ideally focusing on seeing God's hand in my day. (Sometimes it is two things in one sentence .)

I have been doing this for a week now and it has been AMAZING: amazingly eye-opening, amazingly painful, and amazingly inspiring. While I have learned that I have a long way to go, I have also learned some new insights on how to get there.

I will be keeping track of this here, so feel free to join me in this challenge, comment or share your own feelings and insights here!

So I challenge you: find your own project for the month that has to do with humility that is personalized for you, and then do it!

(I wonder what the effect would be if people accepted this challenge like they accepted and spread the "ice-bucket challenge" :).)

It is amazing the "flecks of gold" I have already found in my life (that were already there!) by doing this.

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