Friday, August 17, 2012

The power of "Intentionally recreating"

I was talking to a friend yesterday, and she said that so often we of the LDS faith underestimate a  line in " The Family: a Proclamation to the World": "Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles...[among other things] wholesome recreational activities."

This was brought up as I was sharing some insights I got from a BYU devotional talk I came across not too long ago while listening to the radio in my car.  It was a broadcast on k-BYU on July 17, given by Patti Freeman and titled "Intentional recreation and Things that Matter Most."

Here is a link where, for now, you can either listen to or watch it. (I believe the transcript will be up later.)  I only came in towards the end, but it was incredible...all about the many benefits we get with intentionally recreating as a family (or as mentors with our youth!).

Intentional recreation and Things that Matter Most

When the transcripts are up, I will try and put in my favorite sections for those who don't have the time to listen to, watch, or read the whole thing.

One part that stuck out to me was only a small part of the talk, but she spoke about how when we recreate as a family, it is an opportunity for our sons and daughters (or youth!) to see how men and women appropriately treat each other.  I thought about last May, when Quinn and the kids and I hiked the slot canyons Ding and Dang down by Goblin Valley.  Quinn had to both lower and raise me up several times, offered to help with things, and I deferred to his judgment several times with trust and appreciation for his perspective in the best path for our family.  I had never thought of this blessing of "recreating" together!

Anyway, there were a whole bunch of other great points to it, and to at least listen to the last 20 minutes, in my mind, would be incredibly valuable--seeing as that is all I got from it :).

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