Sunday, January 20, 2013

Does any robot really try to post things on people's blogs?

Really, after filling out those ridiculously obsure boxes before commenting so many times, I have wondered...

Does anyone know?  I have taken the "confirmation that you are not a robot" step on my comments (I think, anyway), and have not have any contact with either Johnny-5 or ET (although, technically, ET is an alien and not a robot). Okay, R2D2 or C3PO. :)

Follow-up question:  is someone employed to take pictures of number for those confirmation things, or do people just sit around and come up with them for fun?

Just curious :).


  1. Hm... I've never had a robot post on my blog. On my me blog I have a post on sewing on scout patches that gets a lot of views, and I've never had a problem with bad comments. Comments can always be deleted too. Isn't the "robot" setting automatic? I just took mine off.

  2. I hear you! It drives me nuts. Maybe Marni has a point, perhaps we could remove that feature? I think personally, that if you post once and prove it, that it should be able to remember your info. I'll have to check into that, I don't leave posts very often because of the 'prove you are not a robot' business. Now, to go prove I'm not a robot. :)

    1. I'm glad you said something! I thought I had taken it off, but maybe that was just off of "The Singing Bees" (although now I want to go and check it).

      The kids have fun trying to help me figure out what the numbers and letters are, but I mess up so many times on them, sometimes I want to just not comment...

      ...but then it is so fun to feel like I am communicating and do it anyway :)!
