Thursday, January 14, 2016

A Question of Time

Two ideas have really made me think lately:

From Elder Bednar, quoting Elder Nelson: When you don't have time (or ability) to do everything, you spend your time doing what matters most.

From Kel's lesson on Sunday: God made time and, when He did, He made enough of it.

Image result for image of time
Add these two ideas together and what does it mean?  Could it mean that when we "don't have enough time" it is because we are trying to do more than we need to be doing?  Or we are spending our energy in the wrong direction and subconsciously we recognize that? Could it be that we have created this "time dilemma" by filling our heart and mind with desires that are superfluous?  Desires that are "fluff"?

Perhaps this is part of the great test of this life, to choose to use our time wisely so that when we are in a state of "outside of time" we will continue to do those things that truly matter?  You know, like a way to train us to choose what is best so that we will continue to do so when we are no longer limited in our time and energy?  

Image result for image of time
Imagine the distracted potential of someone who wants to do everything all the time and is unable to move forward in an eternal situation... for thought.


  1. That is a cool thought. It seems like a great way to tutor us - give us choices within limits so that when those limits are gone, we will make wise choices. Love this.

  2. It definitely makes me stop and think before I say my common complaint: "I just don't have enough time!!"
