Thursday, March 7, 2013

Daily Walk with God

I am amazed at the power and rejuvenation that I feel each day when I spend at least a few minutes either reading the scriptures or listening to the words of his servants, the prophets. 

I am so grateful for the many technologies that make it easier for all of us busy people to do it, too!

For instance, this morning my bathroom just reeked (probably happens at other people's houses, too :)...).  I had put cleaning the bathroom off long enough, so I turned on a talk from Elder Eyring, "Where is the Pavilion?" from the last LDS General Conference and listened to his soothing words of comfort and peace as I scrubbed.  I definitely didn't catch all the words (kids.) but I caught enough that I feel peace.

Then there are the fun, catchy movies, messages, and "I am Mormon" clips from the LDS media library that my kids also enjoy watching so it gets them calm for a little and I get a little shot in the arm of spirituality.  I find that, even though my spiritual immersion is seldom "perfect" (I rarely catch most of a talk, let alone every word), I always come away feeling better.

I feel like it is a way to come to the well of living water, even when I feel overwhelmed by everything else, and get that little boost that helps God be with me.  It truly is a water that always quenches that spiritual drought, that emotional emptiness.  I just need to "Think to Drink" every time I feel down, and not let Satan distract me with cookie dough :). 

Thank goodness for the many resources we have to help us draw closer to Him!

Do it!  You'll not regret it!

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