Thursday, March 14, 2013

My angels...

Have you ever wanted an angel to come right down and tell you something?  You know, a little more direct and physical than personal revelation seems :)?  I normally don't. Normally, I recognize that I can depend upon that still, small voice just as surely (and perhaps even moreso?) than a more physical experience.

Well, Sunday I was feeling discouraged and had the following experience.  I am just going to include the story from my letter in here, since I can't really go into more detail without sharing more than I should of such a sacred experience, but felt impressed to include the experience in a post here.

Dear Gonda Elnok,

I want to thank you so much for the inspired blessing you gave me when you set me apart to be a primary worker.  At the time you gave it to me, I understood very few words, but I felt the Spirit confirm my Heavenly Father's love for me and that He, indeed, wanted me to serve in Primary.

However, last week, as I was there in my first week teaching the little ones, I felt like a failure.  I could speak so little and wondered if I was doing more harm than good.  After the class, I tearfully pleaded with Heavenly Father to send me an angel.  I was exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed, and wanted Him to tell me specifically what He wanted me to do and why I was here in Hungary when I seem to make such a mess of things! Surely He could send me an angel to make His answer to me clear!

On the way home, I felt inspired to ask my husband if he remembered any of Heavenly Father's blessing to me when you set me apart.  Quinn reached into his pocket and brought out a paper on which he had written down as much as he could.  He had taken notes and I hadn't even known it!  As he read me the notes of the prayer you spoke, each phrase was a personal, direct answer to my specific questions from my tearful prayer earlier that day. 

It was my "angel answer" that I had asked God for.

I cannot adequately express my gratitude for the strength and peace that the blessing has given me in these following days.  I have had Quinn read it to me again and again, and have thanked Heavenly Father repeatedly for the two of you being my angels that day:  you for being worthy and inspired to give me that blessing, and Quinn for being inspired to write it down for me....

And then I closed the letter.

They were my angels. Every phrase Quinn read to me, standing at the busz stop, went right to my heart, answering questions and pleas that I had not even voice, but kept close to my heart...the deepest longings of my soul.

And it came not from but through a man who does not speak my language and knows so little of me,...because it came from a God who knows every part of me and speaks a language so intimate it can reach those parts of my soul.

I got my angelic message, and know God hears me.  It was a good day!


Maybe one of the things that prompted me to include this letter is something my dear friend, Jolene, wrote to me the other day:

"Jessica (her returned missionary daughter) told me once that a non-member told her that we members talk alot about our trials.  So I've been thinking about that lately and paying more attention, and we really do.  I think it's important to know and see the Lord's hand in our trials.  I also think its very important to see the Lord's hand in our success and happiness as well.  I know God is there to rejoice in my little achievements and the joy I feel so much of the time.  I think its really good to talk to our friends and especially our non member friends about all the good things surrounding us and let them know God is with us through all of that too.  I hope we don't think or feel that He is only there to support us when we are weak and sad and overwhelmed but He is with us always.  There is a scripture that says, See a good day*.  I think it's our responsibility to see a good day.  Like I said, I just get mad some days.  Sometimes I just don't want to see a good day."

I love my friends!

*I had to look up the "see a good day" reference :).  There is one in 1 Peter 3:10 ..."he that will love life, and see good days," but I also thought of Psalms 118:24: 24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will arejoice and be glad in it."

1 comment:

  1. You are one of my angels! It never ceases to amaze me that almost every post you write has something for me. This is no different. My next RS lesson is on trials (Lorenzo Snow #7), and just reading through it made me feel fearful. Since then I've read two posts (yours and Julie's) that I felt have been direct answers to what that lesson needs to focus on. Thank you!

    Even being the positive self that I am, I've noticed also that we focus on what isn't right when we talk to others. Weird. Maybe we don't want to "rejoice" about things because we don't want to appear like our lives are perfect? Or is it easier to dwell on the bad? Hmm...
