Monday, June 20, 2016

God's definition of "blessing"

I just read in 1 Ne 2 how Lehi was congratulated by the Lord, "Blessed art thou Lehi..."

I thought, yah. leave on the hardest journey of your life.

Immediate parallels came to my mind in my life.  The Lord has sent me on some interesting journeys...perhaps those are how he is blessing me?   I'll admit sometimes I feel like He is punishing me.

The line in Princess Bride came to mind: you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...
I wonder if we truly understand what the word "blessings" means, you God's definition of the word?  We definitely keep using it and looking for it!  Maybe we are looking for the wrong thing?

1 comment:

  1. Children are the greatest blessings but wow you can learn from them. And grow from having them.
