Sometimes my personal heavenly lessons come as I look at my kids and try to think of the best thing to say to them at that moment. Then, after I have seen the need and use of those phrases, God repeats them in my own mind as something I need to hear.
As I write to my missionary kids, I have one phrase that keeps coming to my mind and my pen to share with them, "Lose yourself in God's work and you will find a greater self than you ever imagined."
This morning, I heard that same statement echo in my mind as I studied the scriptures and prayed for inspiration: "Mary, lose yourself in God's work--parenting, marriage and know the rest."
This morning, I heard that same statement echo in my mind as I studied the scriptures and prayed for inspiration: "Mary, lose yourself in God's work--parenting, marriage and know the rest."
Mary, I so needed to hear this today. I have been saying this to my kids, but as I was reading your post it hit me that I hadn't been saying it to myself and I needed to hear it. Love you!