Monday, December 12, 2011

cool church Relief Society quotes

I have some cool quotes from the great Relief Society book I want to remember:
Pg. 23“Don’t be limited in your views with regard to your neighbor’s virtues…You must enlarge your souls toward other if you’d do like Jesus…As you increase in innocence and virtue, as you increase in goodness, let your hearts expand—let them be enlarged towards others—you must be longsuffering and bear with the faults and errors of mankind.  How precious are the souls of men!”—Joseph Smith
Ibid: “When persons  manifest the least kindness and love to me, O what power it has over my mind.”
This reminds me so much of our mentor meeting yesterday.  We discussed “do unto others” as applied to our youth, and I truly bear witness to the truthfulness of what Joseph Smith said!
I also liked the following quote:
“Let this society teach how to act towards husbands, to treat them with mildness and affection.  When a man is borne down with trouble—when he is perplexed, if he can meet a smile, not an argument—if he can meet with mildness, it will calm down his soul and soothe his feelings.  When the mind is going to despair, it needs a solace…When you go home never give a cross word, but let kindness, charity and love crown your works.”
What beautiful and amazing counsel!  This goes hand in hand with my last book discussion with my lovely Kaysville ward friends.  They had so much good advice and perspective about how to sustain good relationships with our husbands.  It helped me appreciate my own dear man that much more, as I have seen him be so loving, kind, and supportive towards me as I strive to create a more safe environment for him to return home to: telling him when I am frustrated or upset that it is not about him, apologizing when I take those emotions out on him, trying to see when his frustration comes from stress and not disappointment in or frustration with me.  I have especially loved playing basketball with him over the past six months in the morning with “his men”.  I will miss that….probably as much as anything else.

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