Monday, December 26, 2011

Dependence=Spiritual Bondage

Right now, as I live with my parents during this transition time, I have been so blessed: m y mom loves to wash dishes.  Now, typically at the end of a project-filled day at my old house, I made the choice often to leave the dishes for the morning. However, my mom enjoys doing it at the end of the day after she has been at work. “It warms up my hands,” she lovingly insists, bless her heart.  I have loved it so much, but now, sometimes, as I make a mess, I am very conscious of how much she will clean up, if she does it before we get to it.  Now, we have a great relationship…I love to cook and “make the messes”, so we seem to have a good balance, but it does make me think as I have someone else cleans up after me and my messy creativity. 
It made me think about how binding and depressing it would be to be dependent upon someone to do that regularly, without doing anything in return. I am blessed in that there are some things that I think I can help out around here with, so I think we are something of a help, in the face of the obvious inconveniences of having 10 extra people in your home for a few months .  It just made me grateful, grateful that I can clean up after myself…eventually; grateful for the freedom that comes with it.

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