Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pay it forward!

My husband sent this to!


  1. Thanks Mary, we've been studying charity as a family and today we talked about the quote "We create love by showing it". This video went so well with the topic so I played it for them and it helped the message sink in for us :-) We talked about how to create love in our home. I'm loving all your blog posts lately.

  2. Just experienced a powerful witness to me of this concept...
    I went through my seven bins full of clothes storage that I have kept and stored for the kids so they can have clothes to "rotate" into as they get older recently. I got rid of six and a half bins full :). In the past, I have felt prompted to store them; now I feel prompted to "pay them forward", feeling spiritually reassured that as the Lord has provided in the past, He will surely provide in the future. Less than a week after doing all of that, I idly thought..."oh well, Maia probably could use a few more things of clothes, but she will be fine." Lo and behold! Yesterday morning a lady brought by two boxes full of clothes for girls from Maia to Piper's size!
    Janine Bolon explained it as the concept of "karma", what you give is what you get. You donate money, you get money; you donate food, you always have enough food; etc.
    Hey! I donate a lot of time and personal energy to other groups...maybe that is why I seem to have so much time and energy to do other things! The Lord truly blesses us as we have faith in him and show trust in Him, consecrating our time and talents to Him!
