Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Last night, Quinn turned to me, as I had my typical pile of books next to the bed to do a "quick read through" before I pass out for the night, and said, "when do you sleep?" I lovingly looked at my pile of books and said, "Only when I absolutely have to...there's just so much to learn!"  Of course, realistically, I seldom get past one page reading in bed at night before my eyelids close on their own...

Maybe I am in scholar phase finally?  I don't know, but this learning business sure is a riot!  The other day I asked Avot to cover a map with blank outlines of all the countries of the world with one candy in every country.  Then, atlases by our side, we began!  One at a time, naming what countries we could using the maps or from memory.  We also watched my friends amazing presentation on prezi about North America that had cool pictures and links like "vimeo: naturally Haiti" that is all about their cool art and the Laia temple dedication video on You tube, not to mention a cool one on Inuits.  I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it!  It was so inspirational!  Then we talked a little bit about the Perpetual Education Fund, and Piper picked a cool page from the Friend magazine for my church about appreciating diversity.  So cool!

Then Goober taught Chugger-dude and I some cool math tricks from "Go Figure!", one of the truly coolest Math books in creation that we got for Christmas.  Fun day!  It's nice to have one of those sandwiched amidst some of the other "less productive" days :)...


  1. Wow! You've been blogging like crazy!!! Good for you. Makes me want to be better at that. Good luck on your talk tomorrow - I'll be teaching RS.

  2. I feel like its a connection with people right now...especially people like you that I love and miss! Thanks for the wish for luck. I needed it, and it went alright. Quinn was amazing and had the whole congregation in tears.
    Hope your lesson went well! They are lucky to have you...
