Monday, December 26, 2011

Why do hard things?

The other day, my dad commented how Tova was such a hard worker.  “Yes, she is,” I thought.  Then I thought about her comment about a week before that, at the end of a long, full day.  “I feel so happy, mom, when I do these hard, scholar days.”  These experiences together made me ponder on what I believe is a truth: when we do hard things and overcome challenges, we are happy. 
Now, why is that?  Why is the right way for each of us often the more challenging one?  For instance, as I stood over the sink the other night, cleaning up after my family’s mess instead of playing games J, I thought…sometimes being a mom of nine is hard!  You don’t always get to do what you want, surprise, surprise J! ( Well, at least if you do want to do things outside of basic maintenance for too long, things seem to be harder afterwards J.)    These thoughts led me to reflect upon a marvelous book I read a while back, called “Do Hard Things” written by two young men.  They challenged their peers to do hard things!  They insisted that youth are craving meaningful, challenging experiences to really push them, despite modern societies tendency to coddle them, cater to them, and entertain them until they are “ready to become adults”.  This! Coming from “teenagers”?
So I thought, “Why?” again!  What is it that is so deeply satisfying about doing what needs to be done, whether it is hard or easy?
Then the thought came to me: perhaps it is because in the process we are stretching our souls, our abilities, our potentials to become more like God!  To fulfill our divine destiny, God has promised, is the most satisfying, the most rewarding,…yields the most pure joy!  It reminded me of the quote in Mere Christianity, where C.S. Lewis points out that God gives us commandments not just to see if we will jump through some hoop to see if we will be obedient, but because, by following those commandments, we will be able to become like Him…kind of like the ultimate coach and mentor is someone who has been down the path you want to go down, and is willing to tell you how to do it.
I mean, think of it!  Think of all that God does, all that He keeps track of, all the disappointment, heartache and time He devotes to us, His work and His glory…  While it may be easy for Him now, if we are to be like Him, it certainly wouldn’t be easy for me now J!
End thought: Don’t shirk from hard things.  Of course, don’t go looking for them (they will come on their own), and just because it is the right thing, doesn’t mean it has to be hard.  However, there are times when the right thing is the hard thing, and we need to do it because it is the best thing.

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